
Directions and possibilities of using biological material derived from free-living animals
Monika Trzcińska Marcin Samiec
Bioengineering based on embryonic stem cells of selected species of breeding poultry – scientific, research and application potential
Marcin Samiec Monika Trzcińska
Status and prospects for the development of the A2 milk market in the world and in Poland
Iwona Radkowska Anna Orchel-Szeląg
The use of rabbits in human recreation
Andrzej Gugołek Joanna Kręciewska

Animal genetics and breeding

Frequency analysis of arg309his mutation in the GYS1 gene in cold-blooded and Hucul horse populations
Monika Komorowska Jakub Zipper Adrianna Musiał Bogusława Długosz Katarzyna Olczak Aleksandra Błaszczak Monika Stefaniuk-Szmukier Katarzyna Ropka-Molik
Characteristics of the reproductive performance of Puławska sows and their hybrids with Polish Large White (PLW) and Polish Landrace (PL) breeds depending on selected performance traits
Marek Babicz Magdalena Szyndler-Nędza Patrycja Rekiel Magdalena Moczulska Jan Wojciechowski Kinga Kropiwiec-Domańska

The biology, physiology, reproduction, and health

Appetitive behaviour of sheep during lamb rearing
Edyta Molik Aleksandra Dara Zuzanna Flis

Quality and safety of animal origin products

Effect of biocarbon on the quality of pork raw material
Mariusz Florek Łukasz Wlazło Piotr Domaradzki Mateusz Ossowski Bożena Nowakowicz-Dębek Katarzyna Karpińska Anna Czech
Influence of blood oestradiol level in gilts on selected blood and meat quality parameters
Krzysztof Tereszkiewicz Piotr Antos Łukasz Kulig Ryszard Tuz